Other Help items

Providing feedback

We welcome and appreciate your feed backs. It has helped us tremendously to improve our site and the quality of contents.

You need to be registered to provide a suggestion. To register; click REGISTER in the top menu, fill the information and click ‘Create new account’ button. You will receive an email to confirm your email address and complete the registration process.

To provide a feedback; click on CONTACT in the Top Menu, type an appropriate Subject, describe your suggestion/s in the Message area, and click ‘Send message’ button.

Contacting UMMnews

To contact us; click CONTACT in the Top Menu and fill-in the information.

Please note that this website is mostly operated by volunteers. As such, there may be a significant delay in our response, or, in some situations, we may not be able to respond at all.

You may find answers of your questions in the following documents available on this website;

Questions and Answers (Q&A)

Terms and Conditions for the Users

Code of Conduct


To advertise; click CONTACT in the Top Menu and type ‘Advertisement Request’ in the Subject area.

Describe the business/services this advertisement relates to in the Message area.

Some one from UMMnews will contact you to discuss the matter further.

Please note that only ethical, moral and socially responsible business advertisements will be accepted.


UMMnews is a not for profit news portal. Its funded and run by volunteers and few paid staff. We appreciate your donations.

To donate; click CONTACT in the Top Menu and type ‘I want to Donate’ in the Subject area.

Some one from UMMnews will contact you.

In future; we plan to have an online payment system.

Please Note: we do not accept funding/donations from candidates seeking public office, propaganda organizations, or from anti-social organisations, nor do we accept donations from sources who our board of directors think could present a conflict of interest with our work, or compromise our ethics and editorial independence.