Jordan begins trial of Israeli who entered country illegally

02 Dec 2019; MEMO: The court case of an Israeli who infiltrated Jordan last month began today, the Petra news agency said.

Petra reported an official source saying: “The Israeli citizen Konstantin Kotov, who infiltrated the kingdom’s soil last month, was turned to Jordan’s state security court on charges of illegally entering the kingdom and possessing drugs with intent of using them.”

The Public Prosecutor of the state security court Brigadier General Hazim Abdul-Salam Al-Majjali had approved the decision of the country’s Public Prosecutor, which was based on a complaint against the Israeli culprit.

On 29 October, Jordanian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sufyan Qudah announced that the country’s security forces had arrested an Israeli who had illegally entered the kingdom illegal.

The Jordanian authorities, he said, had been interrogating him.

He also said that the settler would be transferred to “the relevant legal parties to take the necessary legal measures against him.”