Singapore Penalising Social Distancing Violators


SINGAPORE, Mar 29 (NNN-CNA) – Singapore has begun penalising people, who refused to adhere to social distancing, in the latest bid to curb the COVID-19.

Beginning Friday, anyone found standing in a queue, or sitting, less than a metre (3.3 feet) from another person, in a public place, can be jailed up to six months or fined up to 10,000 Singapore dollars ($7,000), or both.

The penalties also apply to malls, places of worship, funeral homes and some 55 attractions, including museums, that can stay open, but must not allow groups of more than 10 people.

Singapore, which has 683 cases, has taken proactive steps to slow the spread of the virus, short of a lockdown. It has banned all tourists and shut entertainment venues, such as, bars and cinemas.

The safe distancing regulations, which do not apply to Parliament or court proceedings, will be in place until Apr 30.