Canada: One of eight teen girls charged in Toronto stabbing death granted bail

Toronto police vehicle

TORONTO, Dec 29 (Reuters) - An Ontario judge granted bail on Thursday to one of the eight teenage girls charged with killing a 59-year-old man in downtown Toronto, Canada, this month, subject to conditions.

The teenager, whose name cannot be published, must surrender her passport, not have a cell phone, stay in Ontario and not go online except for school, among other conditions. Her bail was set at C$9,500 ($7,005.90) with two sureties.

Judge Maria Sirivar will give reasons for her bail decision Jan. 10.

The other seven teens charged in the swarming death appeared briefly in court via video on Thursday morning before being remanded into custody. They are scheduled to appear on Jan. 5. to schedule bail hearings.

The teenage girls are charged with second-degree murder in the stabbing death of a 59-year-old man just after midnight in Toronto on Dec. 18. Police have not released the man's identity.

Three of the girls are 13 years old, three are 14 and two are 16, according to police. Their names cannot be published because of their age.

($1 = 1.3560 Canadian dollars)