India: Man held for raping three daughters

Indore, May 30 (PTI) A 45-year-old man was arrested from Khajrana area in the city for allegedly repeatedly raping his three daughters, two of them minors, police said on Thursday.

The accused was arrested on Wednesday, police said, adding that he was Thursday produced before a court, which remanded him in judicial custody till June 12.

"We arrested the accused for raping his three daughters aged 15, 17 and 19. He had been sexually assaulting them for the last four years by threatening them with a sword," police inspector Pritam Singh Thakur said.

The accused, a building contractor, used to threaten his daughters that if they told about their ordeal to anyone, he would hack them to death with the sword, the police officer said.

However, the victims finally mustered courage to confide in their mother about their ordeal recently, he said.

When the woman questioned her husband about his misdeeds, he threatened to kill all the members of the family, Thakur said.

Thereafter, the woman approached the police and filed a complaint, following which he was arrested.

Further investigation into the case is on, the inspector said.