Egypt court sentences 6 to death

20 Aug 2019; MEMO: An Egyptian court has sentenced six people to death on charges of establishing a terror group between 2013 and 2015 and killing three people, Al-Khaleej Online reported yesterday.

The Giza Criminal Court also sentenced 41 defendants, including 28 in absentia, to life in prison on similar charges, including possession of weapons and explosives.

Another seven defendants received 15 year terms while one other was jailed for three years. The court acquitted 14 others due to a lack of evidence.

Judicial sources said that this is an initial verdict which can be appealed before the Court of Cassation.

In 2013, in the wake of the military coup carried out against the country’s first democratically elected, the late President Mohamed Morsi, and the violent dispersal of protesters in Cairo, security services also violently cracked down on activists in Kerdasa.

Security forces opened fire at the residents, claiming there were armed terrorists amongst them and conducted house-to-house searches for Muslim Brotherhood supporters.

They arrested around 80 Egyptians, including the six who were sentenced to death.