Ex-US congressman set to challenge Trump

 Joe Walsh

26 Aug 2019; MEMO: US President Donald Trump will face a primary challenge ahead of the fall 2020 elections from a former one-term congressman, the ex-lawmaker announced on Sunday, Anadolu reports.

Making the announcement on U.S. television network ABC, Joe Walsh, former Republican congressman for the Midwestern state of Illinois, accused Trump of incompetence, adding that he “lies virtually every time he opens his mouth” and “stokes bigotry.”

“Friends, I’m in. We can’t take four more years of Donald Trump. And that’s why I’m running for President,” Walsh also said on Twitter.

Walsh’s campaign slogan is “Be Brave.”

After serving one term in Congress in 2011-2013, Walsh became a conservative radio talk show host.

Most political analysts see Walsh having little chance against Trump, who enjoys support among Republican voters nationwide of some 80%.

This April former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld announced his own primary challenge to Trump, but so far has received little support.

The next US presidential election is set for Nov. 3, 2020.