‘Israel to pay the price for its disregard for international law’

Ayman Safadi

26 Nov 2019; MEMO: The Foreign Minister of Jordan said on Monday that Israel will pay the price for its disregard for the international community and international law, Quds Press has reported. Ayman Al-Safadi made his comment during an emergency meeting of the Arab Foreign Ministers in Amman.

Al-Safadi also warned that Washington’s decisions and measures threaten international peace and security. The Jordanian official added that Israel’s expansion of [illegal] settlements, imposition of restrictions on Palestinian schools and farms, and house demolitions do not lead to peace. Only the two-state solution on the 1967 borders and recognising the rights of the Palestinian people are the way for peace, he insisted.

According to Al-Safadi, Israel is a threat to the security of the region as it is challenging the international community. This requires a serious stance to stop its threats to international peace and security.

The minister renewed Jordan’s support for Palestinian rights and peace which ensures freedom for the Palestinians on their land.

The Arab League held an emergency meeting to discuss the latest developments in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the new US position that Israeli settlements “are not inconsistent” with international law.