Pakistan summons Indian envoy over ceasefire violations

 Indian shelling

ISLAMABAD, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan summoned Indian charge d'affaires Gaurav Ahluwalia to the country on Wednesday to lodge protest over unprovoked ceasefire violations by the Indian military along the Line of Control (LoC) in the disputed Kashmir area, the Foreign Ministry of Pakistan said.

A youth was killed and five other civilians sustained serious injuries due to indiscriminate and unprovoked firing by the Indian forces along the LoC on Monday and Tuesday, a statement from the foreign ministry said.

The Indian forces along the LoC and the working boundary have been continuously targeting civilian populated areas with artillery fire, heavy-caliber mortars and automatic weapons, said the statement.

This year, India has committed 1,546 ceasefire violations to date, resulting in 14 deaths and serious injuries to 114 civilians, according to the statement.

Pakistan and India had declared a ceasefire along the LoC. Both sides have routinely exchanged fire and accused each other of ceasefire violations. Enditem