Washington DC

Want to bring back US forces engaged in endless wars: Trump

Washington, Oct 8 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has said that he wants to bring back American forces engaged in the endless wars, emphasising that it was one of the promises he made during his 2016 Presidential campaign.

"We want to bring our troops back home. It's been many many years. It's been decades, in many cases. We want to bring our troops back home. I got elected on that. If you go back and look at our speeches, I would say we want to bring our troops back home from these endless wars," Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday.

Trump threatens to ‘obliterate’ Turkish economy if Turkey goes “off limits” over Syria border

WASHINGTON, Oct 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — President Donald Trump has threatened to destroy Turkey’s economy if Turkey goes “off limits” after his surprise decision to pull US forces out of north-eastern Syria.

In a series of angry tweets, Trump defended the move that could open the way for Turkey to launch an attack on Kurdish fighters across the border.

The withdrawal was heavily criticised even by Trump’s Republican allies.

Kurdish forces were key US allies in defeating the Daesh in Syria.

Hopes for a deal dim as US-China trade talks get underway in tense atmosphere

WASHINGTON, Oct 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Prospects for progress in US-China trade talks dimmed after Washington blacklisted Chinese companies over Beijing’s treatment of predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities, and President Donald Trump said a quick trade deal was unlikely.

US blacklists 28 Chinese entities over abuses against Muslims in Xinjiang

WASHINGTON, Oct 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The US Commerce Department announced it is blacklisting 28 Chinese entities that it says are implicated in rights violations and abuses targeting Uighurs and other mostly Muslim minorities in the Xinjiang region.

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced the move, which bars the named entities from purchasing US products, saying the United States “cannot and will not tolerate the brutal suppression of ethnic minorities within China.”

US judge orders Pres Trump to hand over eight years of tax returns

NEW YORK, Oct 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) - A judge has ordered US President Donald Trump to hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York investigators.

The judge rejected arguments by the president’s lawyers that Trump enjoyed total immunity while in office.

The ruling helps an investigation into hush money paid to two women who claim they had affairs with Trump.

Prosecutors said in a court filing that every US president since Jimmy Carter had voluntarily released his tax returns before or upon taking office.

Airline went into records after Max crash, engineer says

SEATTLE (AP) — Ethiopian Airlines’ former chief engineer says in a whistleblower complaint filed with regulators that the carrier went into the maintenance records on a Boeing 737 Max jet a day after it crashed this year, a breach he contends was part of a pattern of corruption that included fabricating documents, signing off on shoddy repairs and even beating those who got out of line.

US Senate proposes draft law against PA, PLO

6 Oct 2019; MEMO: US Congress is discussing a draft bill that holds the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) accountable for the killing and injuring of Israeli Jewish settlers who hold American passports, Arabi21 reported yesterday.

The bill was introduced by the Republican Senators James Lankford, Tammy Duckworth and Democrat Chuck Grassley, under the title “Justice for Victims of Terrorism”.

Trump calls for impeachment of his GOP Senator

Washington, Oct 6 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has called for the impeachment of his bitter critic and Republican Senator Mitt Romney.

Trump's tweet in this regard came a day after Senator Romney, who during the 2016 presidential elections had called the president a "con artist" and criticised him for his handling of the Ukrainian issue.

US lawmakers move towards legislative action on “humanitarian crisis” in Kashmir

The United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has added an appeal to end what it calls a “humanitarian crisis” in Kashmir in its report ahead of the annual Foreign Appropriations Act for 2020. This could become the first step towards legislative action by American lawmakers against India on the situation in Jammu and Kashmir.

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