Washington DC

Imran Khan says Pakistan offers tremendous business potential for investors

WASHINGTON, July 21 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan has invited overseas businessmen and investors to benefit from the economic and business opportunities afforded by Pakistan’s strategic location and the connectivity to the broader region.

He was talking to a group of prospective investors that led by Javaid Anwar, a leading Pakistani-American businessman, called on the prime minister at the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC.

Advertisement: World Bank Young Professionals Program (YPP)

Are you a young professional thinking about a career at the World Bank? Applications to the Young Professionals Program are now open until June 30. Apply today! If you missed the Facebook Live Chat on June 10, when current Young Professionals shared their experiences & tips for applying, check out the replay here.

Time running short, showdown looms over border aid package

WASHINGTON (AP) — It took last-minute changes and a full-court press by top Democratic leaders, but the House passed with relative ease a $4.5 billion emergency border aid package to care for thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children detained after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Why US-China trade war risks hurting firms in both countries

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. businesses are imploring President Donald Trump not to expand his tariffs to $300 billion in goods from China that have so far been spared in his trade war with Beijing.

These companies warn that the additional tariffs would drive up prices for consumers, squeeze profits and leave U.S. companies at a competitive disadvantage to foreign rivals that aren’t subject to higher taxes on the components they buy from China.

WB downgrades global growth forecasts, poorest countries hardest hit

UNITED NATIONS, June 6 (APP): The World Bank has lowered its expectations of global economic growth for this year in a new report, saying that, although the picture for poorer countries is expected to stabilize in 2020, economic momentum remains weak.

The risks to emerging and developing economies include rising trade barriers, slow investment, and economic slowdowns in richer countries.

“Stronger economic growth is essential to reducing poverty and improving living standards,” said World Bank Group President, David Malpass, in a statement released in Washington.

US, Mexico officials to begin talks over tariffs, border

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mexico launched a counteroffensive Monday against the threat of U.S. tariffs, warning not only that it would hurt the economies of both countries but also could cause a quarter-million more Central Americans to migrate north.

A high-level delegation from the Mexican government held a news conference at the embassy in Washington, making the case against President Donald Trump’s threat of imposing a 5% tariff on Mexican imports by June 10.

It is unclear what more Mexico can do — and what will be enough — to satisfy the president.

Trump delays auto tariffs, orders further negotiations

WASHINGTON, May 17 (Xinhua): U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday delayed slapping additional tariffs on imported autos and auto parts for 180 days, saying in a proclamation carried by the White House's website that he has ordered further negotiations to "address the national security threat."

"President Trump today issued a proclamation directing the United States Trade Representative to negotiate agreements to address the national security threat, which is causing harm to the American automobile industry," the White House statement said.

Russia to take reciprocal measures in response to new US sanctions

WASHINGTON, May 17. /TASS/: Russia will take reciprocal measures in response to new US sanctions introduced on the basis of the Magnitsky Act, the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C. said in a statement released on Thursday.

"Washington's new anti-Russian steps are associated with the so-called Magnitsky Act," the embassy said. "They represent an attempt to force unilateral measures of coercion which go against international law and cannot be considered as a civilized way of communication between countries," the embassy added noting that "reciprocal measures will follow."

Trump unveils plan for immigration reform

WASHINGTON, May 16 (Xinhua): U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled a plan on Thursday to reform the nation's immigration system, intended to favor high-skilled immigrants and restrict family-based migration.

Speaking at the White House, Trump said that his plan aims to create a "fair, modern and lawful system of immigration for the United States."

Trump withholds from further escalating tension with Iran

WASHINGTON, May 16 (Xinhua): U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday held back from further escalating tension with Iran.

When asked by a reporter at the White House on Thursday morning about whether the United States was going to war with Iran, Trump replied "I hope not."

Washington has piled up military pressure on Tehran over the past week by intensifying deployment including an aircraft carrier group to the Middle East following U.S. intelligence information revealing "an escalating of threatening actions" from Iran.

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