North America

UNSC reaffirms need to bring organizers of terrorist attack in Iran to justice

UNITED NATIONS, 25 September. /TASS/. The UN Security Council condemned terrorist attack in Iran's Ahvaz and underlined the need to search and bring to justice the organizers of this attack, according to the statement released on Monday.

"The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack that took place in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Ahvaz, on 22 September. The terrorist attack, at a military parade, resulted in at least 24 people killed, including children, and 60 others injured," the report said.

EU to set up legal entity to facilitate trade with Iran

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- The European Union (EU) will set up a legal entity to facilitate legitimate financial transactions with Iran in light of the U.S. withdrawal from the international agreement on Tehran's nuclear program and the re-imposition of sanctions, said the EU's foreign and security policy chief Federica Mogherini on Monday.

China, Britain agree to defend int'l system, multilateralism

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his British counterpart Jeremy Hunt on Monday vowed to defend the current international system and multilateralism amid a slew of challenges.

During their meeting on the margins of the UN General Assembly session, Wang said that China and Britain, both permanent members of UN Security Council, should make their ties a stabilizer in a world fraught with uncertainty.

Trump and Macron discuss Syria, Iran and trade

Washington, Sep 25 (PTI) US President Donald Trump on Monday held a meeting with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, during which the two leaders discussed the situation in Syria, the aggressive behaviour of Iran and promoting free trade between the US and the European Union (EU).

"The two leaders discussed a wide range of international issues, including the situation in Syria, countering threats posed by Iran, and promoting fair terms of trade between the United States and the European Union," the White House said in a readout of the meeting.

Congress set to fund government, but not Trump’s wall

WASHINGTON; 24 Sep 2018; (AP) — Congress is set to pass a crucial spending bill that averts a government shutdown, but there’s one potential obstacle: President Donald Trump.

Neither party wants the government to close ahead of the midterm elections that will determine control of Congress, but Trump has made clear his frustration at the lack of money for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He says it is “ridiculous” the wall has yet to be fully funded.

Pak won't abandon peace efforts despite India's reluctance: Qureshi

Washington, Sep 24; PTI: India's reluctance to hold talks with Pakistan will not stop Islamabad from closing doors on its efforts to promote peace in the region, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said, days after New Delhi cancelled the foreign minister-level meeting in New York.

Addressing a news conference at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington on Sunday, Qureshi said India used incidents that happened in July to cancel peace talks that it agreed to in September.

Scientists reveal how brain combines multiple memories into new insights

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Neuroscientists find how the people's brain combined memories to arrive at novel insights, lending a clue to developing faster artificial intelligence.

The study published on Wednesday in the journal Neuron reported the novel brain mechanism that would allow retrieved memories to trigger the retrieval of further, related memories.

This mechanism allows the retrieval of multiple linked memories, which then enable the brain to create new kinds of insights, according to the study.

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