New York

USA: CEO of a prominent tech conference resigns amid backlash for public statements over Israel-Hamas war

NEW YORK (AP) — Paddy Cosgrave, the chief executive officer of a prominent European tech conference called Web Summit, resigned from his role on Saturday amid backlash for his public statements that suggested Israel was committing war crimes.

A spokesperson for Web Summit, which organizes one of the world’s largest tech conferences every year, said in an e-mailed statement sent to The Associated Press that it will appoint a new CEO, and the conference will go ahead next month in Lisbon as planned.

USA: Company bosses and workers grapple with the fallout of speaking up about the Israel-Hamas war

NEW YORK (AP) — Starbucks accused a union representing thousands of its baristas of damaging the brand and endangering co-workers with a pro-Palestinian tweet. The CEO of a prominent tech conference resigned amid backlash for his public statements suggesting that Israel was committing war crimes. Company bosses vowed never to hire members of a university’s student groups that condemned Israel.

UN Security Council extends ban on illicit oil export from Libya

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 20 (NNN-XINHUA) — The UN Security Council on Thursday adopted a resolution to extend the ban on the illicit export of petroleum, including crude oil and refined petroleum products, from Libya.

Resolution 2701, which won the unanimous support of the 15-member council, extends the ban for 15 months, till Feb. 1, 2025.

U.S. widely slammed for vetoing draft UNSC resolution on humanitarian truce in Gaza

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- The United States on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution on a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip, inciting wide criticism amid mounting global concern over the escalating crisis there.

The Brazil-drafted proposal, if adopted, would have condemned all violence and hostilities against civilians and all acts of terrorism, and called for protecting all medical, humanitarian personnel, and medical facilities, in accordance with international humanitarian law.

USA: Journalists in Gaza wrestle with issues of survival in addition to getting stories out

NEW YORK (AP) — A limited number of journalists in Gaza are trying to report on the war with Israel while facing the same problems as the besieged Palestinian population there — wondering where to live, where to get food and water, and how to stay safe.

The aftermath of Tuesday’s explosion that killed hundreds at a Gaza City hospital is the latest example of how that reality hinders the world’s ability to get a full picture of what is happening to the Palestinian population In Gaza.

USA: WHO welcomes US-Israeli accord to allow aid to enter Gaza; UN chief urges ceasefire

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 19 (APP): UN chief Antonio Guterres has called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East to ease the “epic human suffering” in the Israel-Gaza conflict.

Later, the head of the UN health agency (WHO) said he welcomed the reported agreement between the US and Israel, which would allow food, water and medical aid into the ravaged enclave via the Egyptian border.

USA: China Shocked, Disappointed At Security Council Failure To Adopt Gaza Resolution: Envoy

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 19 (NNN-XINHUA) – China was shocked and disappointed at the Security Council’s failure to adopt a resolution, that would have called for humanitarian pauses in Gaza, said Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, yesterday.

US: Security measures enhanced in New York as rallies over Israel-Hamas conflict continue

NEW YORK, Oct 19 (NNN-XINHUA) — The New York Police Department (NYPD) has enhanced security measures as rallies over the conflict between Israel and Hamas continue in the city.

“We are currently in a heightened threat environment and tensions have been rising since …October 7th. The NYPD is doing everything we can do to forestall future violence in our city. However, we know the ongoing events overseas may resonate with individuals domestically and that is hard to anticipate,” said NYPD in a statement.

US vetoes UN Security Council action on Israel, Gaza

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 18 (Reuters) - The United States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution on Wednesday that would have called for humanitarian pauses in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas militants to allow humanitarian aid access to the Gaza Strip.

The vote on the Brazilian-drafted text was twice delayed in the last couple of days as the United States tries to broker aid access to Gaza. Twelve members voted in favor of the draft text on Wednesday, while Russia and Britain abstained.

USA: UN Sec Gen Guterres will travel to Egypt to unblock humanitarian aid to Gaza

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 18 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, will travel to Egypt on Thursday to hold talks with authorities from that nation and the region, his spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, said.

Guterres will arrive in Cairo in the midst of the largest escalation in decades of the conflict between Palestine and Israel with the aim of unblocking the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

In addition, he plans a meeting with Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi and other actors in the region.

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