Washington DC

Impeachment hearings highlight immigrants’ stories

WASHINGTON (AP) — One came from northeast England. Another came from the former Soviet Union. A third was born in Canada to parents who’d fled the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Several witnesses who testified in the House impeachment inquiry this week chose to highlight their immigrant backgrounds, sharing their families’ stories in highly personal opening statements. They drew a connection to how those experiences led them to public service and a strong desire to safeguard U.S. national security.

US congresswoman slams Israel military’s detention of Palestinian children

21 Nov 2019; MEMO: US Congresswoman Betty McCollum, a Minnesota Democrat, denounced the detention of Palestinian children by the Israeli military at an event yesterday, reported Middle East Eye.

McCollum was speaking at an event coinciding with the United Nations’ International Children’s Day.

Trump shift on Israeli settlements fulfills wish list of evangelical base

20 Nov 2019; MEMO: A US decision effectively backing Israel’s building of settlements in the occupied West Bank, long a cherished item on conservative Christians’ wish list, is expected to strengthen evangelicals’ support for Donald Trump as he seeks re-election in 2020, according to a leader of the president’s evangelical advisory group.

Trump To Host NATO Chief At White House Next Week

WASHINGTON, Nov 10 (NNN-AGENCIES) – U.S. President, Donald Trump, will discuss burden-sharing and security issues with NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, next week, in Washington D.C.

The U.S. president is scheduled to receive the NATO chief at the White House on Nov 14, when the two will discuss NATO allies’ progress on increasing defence spending and ensuring “more equitable burden-sharing,” the statement said.

US court refuses to strike down work permits for spouses of H1B visa workers

Washington, Nov 10 (PTI) In a temporary relief to thousands of Indians living in America, a US court has refused to strike down, for the time being, an Obama-era rule that allowed spouses of H-1B visa holders to work in America.

The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows the US companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations.

No agreement on China tariff rollback: Trump

Washington, Nov 9 (AFP/PTI) President Donald Trump said Friday he has not agreed to roll back tariffs on Chinese imports, dampening recent optimism for a major de-escalation in the US-China trade war.

Amid a steady stream of conflicting reports, Trump's remarks appeared to push back against Beijing's claims that the two sides had agreed to remove tariffs in stages as part of a partial deal announced last month.

‘Agreement reached’ on Ethiopia massive dam

WASHINGTON, Nov 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan have reached “an agreement” to work together to resolve the controversial filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam along the River Nile, the three countries said in a joint statement

The US hosted the foreign ministers of the three nations to try and resolve the long running diplomatic row on the construction of the massive dam project being built in northern Ethiopia.

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