New York

Hong Kong businessman guilty of bribery in African oil deal

NEW YORK (AP) — A federal jury convicted a Hong Kong businessman Wednesday of bribing the presidents of two African nations to secure oil rights for a Chinese energy conglomerate, a case that stretched from the halls of the United Nations and highlighted the often blurry line between nongovernmental organizations and private enterprise.

Dr. Chi Ping Patrick Ho was found guilty of seven of eight counts, including conspiracy, money laundering and violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in a case that involved several former presidents of the United Nations General Assembly.

CO2 emissions up 2.7%, world 'off course' to curb warming

5 Dec 2018; AFP: Global emissions of carbon dioxide mainly from fossil fuel burning will rise 2.7 percent in 2018, scientists said Wednesday, signalling a world "completely off course" in the fight against climate change.

Last year, CO2 pollution increased by 1.6 percent after a three-year hiatus that raised hopes manmade greenhouse gas emissions had finally peaked despite an expanding world economy.

More US beef being recalled over salmonella fears

NEW YORK (AP) — More U.S. beef is being recalled because it may be contaminated with salmonella.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture says a unit of Brazil’s JBS is now recalling a total of more than 12 million pounds of raw beef that was shipped around the country. JBS Tolleson in Arizona already recalled about 7 million pounds of beef in October.

2018 temperatures set to be among hottest on record: UN

29 Nov 2018; AFP: Global temperatures in 2018 are set to be the fourth highest on record, the UN said Thursday, stressing the urgent need for action to rein in runaway warming of the planet.

In a report released ahead of the COP 24 climate summit in Poland, the World Meteorological Organization pointed out that the 20 warmest years on record have been in the past 22 years, and that "2018 is on course to be the 4th warmest year on record."

CNN fires analyst Marc Lamont Hill after UN speech on Israel

NEW YORK (AP) — CNN on Thursday parted ways with contributor Marc Lamont Hill after a speech the college professor made on Israel and Palestine at the United Nations.

A CNN spokesperson confirmed Hill is no longer under contract. The network did not give a reason, but the move comes amid objections to Hill’s speech by the Anti-Defamation League and other groups.

Guterres says UN will firmly support Palestinian people

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) -- United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pledged on Wednesday that the UN will firmly support the Palestinian people.

"The United Nations will not waver in its commitment to the Palestinian people," the UN chief said in his remarks observing the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which falls on Nov. 29 each year.

UN Security Council to convene after Russia seizes Ukrainian navy ships near Crimea

26 Nov 2018; DW: The US ambassador to the United Nations announced the planned meeting on Twitter. Russia said it opened fire after the Ukrainian ships illegally entered its territorial waters on Sunday.

The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on Monday after Russia seized three Ukrainian navy ships off the coast of Crimea, the US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, wrote on Twitter.

Greenhouse gas levels in atmosphere hit new high: UN

22 Nov 2018; AFP: The levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the main driver of climate change, have hit a new record high, the UN said Thursday, warning that the time to act was running out.

Ahead of the COP 24 climate summit in Poland next month, top United Nations officials are again trying to raise the pressure on governments to meet the pledge of limiting warming to the less than two degrees Celsius, enshrined in the 2015 Paris accord.

Tech stocks lead US indexes lower; oil prices sink again

NEW YORK (AP) — More losses for technology companies are taking U.S. stock indexes lower Monday. Internet companies and retailers are also falling. High-yielding defensive stocks including real estate and utility companies are making small gains. Nissan sank after its chairman was arrested on misconduct charges.

UN chief expresses concern over Sri Lankan President's decision to dissolve Parliament

United Nations, Nov 11 (PTI) UN chief Antonio Guterres has expressed concern over Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena's decision to dissolve the nation's Parliament, underlining the "utmost importance" of respecting democratic processes and resolving differences in accordance with the rule of law.

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