Who votes for Germany's far-right party AfD? Not who you'd think

06 Mar 2019; DW: A study from the University of Marburg in western Germany found that the traditional narratives around far-right voters may be more based in stereotype than fact.

Sociologist Martin Schröder blasted the widely held idea of the low-income, poorly-educated Alternative for Germany (AfD) voter as not being representative of the truth. The fact is, wrote Schröder in the August 2018 study, that only one category truly unites the right wing: xenophobia.

A record-breaking US trade deficit: Does it really matter?


WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. trade deficit reached its highest sum ever last year, defying President Donald Trump’s efforts and promises to shrink it through his economic policies. The irony is that those policies likely contributed to the deficit.

Trump entered office insisting that decades of trade gaps had crushed the U.S. economy and that he would forge new agreements that would diminish the deficits.

It hasn’t happened.

Indian TV pressured to conform to gov narrative on Pakistan

02 Mar 2019; DW: Indian journalists are being pressured to conform to the official narrative on Pakistan. Ravish Kumar from Indian broadcaster NDTV told DW (a Geraman news agency) that those who don't comply have faced public ridicule on social media.

DW: How do you view the reporting in Indian media about the recent developments between India and Pakistan?   

Being Jewish in France: 'Just go to Tel Aviv!'

28 Feb 2019; DW: With roughly half a million people, France is home to the world's third-largest Jewish community, after Israel and the US. Neverthless, many Jews no longer feel comfortable in France in the face of increasing harassment.

With roughly half a million people, France is home to the world's third-largest Jewish community, after Israel and the US. Neverthless, many Jews no longer feel comfortable in France in the face of increasing harassment.

LAS-EU Summit provides new beginning for key European role in Mideast peace process

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian Ambassador to the European Union (EU) Abdul Rahim al-Farra said that the League of Arab States (LAS)-EU Summit is a new beginning for an effective and more influential European role in the Palestinian cause.

The Anatomy of Imperialist Intervention

by Prabhat Patnaik

23 Feb 2019; GANASHAKTI: What is happening in Venezuela today provides an object lesson on the nature of imperialist intervention in third world countries in the era of neoliberalism. Imperialism has of late intervened along similar lines in other Latin American countries, notably Brazil; but Venezuela, precisely because of the strong resistance it has put up, shows the techniques of imperialism in sharper relief.

Namibian lawmakers seek justice from Germany on genocide

23 Feb 2019; DW: Between 1904 and 1908, German colonial troops stationed in what was then known as German South West Africa violently repressed attempted uprisings by the Nama and Herero ethnic groups.

For many years, Namibia has been pushing Germany to accept the genocide committed against its people when it was still its colony, but the snail-pace at which Germany has handled the issue has often led to frustrations among ordinary Namibians, particularly the communities that were most affected.

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