
Orban tells EU’s Michel Hungary’s economy would stop without Russian gas

VIENNA, March 9. /TASS/: Hungary opposes the EU’s energy sector sanctions against Russia, because Hungarian industry would come to a grinding halt without Russian oil and gas, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said at a video conference with European Council President Charles Michel on Wednesday, as part of preparations for an EU summit in France.

IAEA Chief to visit Iran in possible boost to nuclear deal

03 March 2022; MEMO: The Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency will visit Tehran on Saturday, the Agency confirmed on Thursday, raising the prospect of progress on one of the last thorny issues blocking a revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Reuters reports.

The visit by the UN nuclear watchdog's Director General was reported overnight by the Nournews News Agency affiliated with Iran's top security body as negotiators in Vienna seek to restore US and Iranian compliance with the deal.

Iran nearing nuclear bomb yardstick as enriched uranium stock grows

VIENNA, March 3 (Reuters) - The stock of enriched uranium amassed by Iran in breach of its 2015 nuclear deal is growing to the point that its most highly-enriched material is most of the way to a common bomb yardstick, a report by the U.N. nuclear watchdog showed on Thursday.

The amount in the quarterly International Atomic Energy Agency report to member states seen by Reuters comes as negotiators at talks on salvaging the 2015 deal say they are in the final stretch. Western powers have warned time is running out before Iran's nuclear progress makes the talks pointless.

China concerned for safety of Ukraine's nuclear facilities: Chinese envoy

VIENNA, March 2 (Xinhua) -- China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Vienna Wang Qun on Wednesday expressed concerns for the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

China supports the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in performing its duties in accordance with its mandate, Wang said at a meeting convened by the IAEA Board of Governors to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

Austria: Draft IAEA resolution on Ukraine condemns Russian invasion

VIENNA, March 1 (Reuters) - A draft resolution being prepared for Wednesday's emergency meeting of the U.N. nuclear watchdog's board condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a move that might anger Moscow while it works with the West to clinch a nuclear agreement on Iran.

Canada and Poland called the emergency meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency's 35-nation Board of Governors, the agency's main decision-making body that convenes more than once a year, at Ukraine's request. 

U.S. says Russia's latest moves are start of a new Ukraine invasion

VIENNA, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Russia's recognition of two separatist regions of Ukraine and its decision to send troops are the start of a new invasion and put the world on the verge of "a dark and dangerous era", U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said on Tuesday.

"Make no mistake: Yesterday's actions are the beginning of the latest Russian invasion of Ukraine," she said in a statement to an extraordinary meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's participating states, adding: "We are on the precipice of a dark and dangerous era."

Iran appears ready to swap prisoners with U.S. as talks approach 'finish line'

VIENNA, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Talks on restoring a deal to curb Iran's nuclear programme and ease sanctions are near conclusion, a Russian envoy said on Tuesday, and sources close to the negotiations said a prisoner swap between Iran and the United States is expected soon.

"Apparently the negotiations on restoration of #JCPOA are about to cross the finish line," Mikhail Ulyanov said on Twitter, using the 2015 agreement's full name, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Austria: IAEA reviews Japan's plan to dump radioactive water into Pacific

VIENNA, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Friday that its experts had completed a five-day visit to Japan to conduct safety reviews of the country's contentious plan to discharge radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean.

Iran nuclear deal draft puts prisoners, enrichment, cash first; oil comes later - diplomats

17 Feb 2022; MEMO: A US-Iranian deal taking shape to revive Iran's 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers lays out phases of mutual steps to bring both sides back into full compliance, and the first does not include waivers on oil sanctions, diplomats say and Reuters reports.

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