New York

USA: Trump’s decades of testimony provide some clues about how he’ll fight for his real estate empire

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump has testified in court as a football owner, casino builder and airline buyer. He bragged in a deposition that he saved “millions of lives” by deterring nuclear war as president. Another time, he fretted about the dangers of flung fruit.

Conditioned by decades of trials and legal disputes, Trump is now poised to reprise his role as witness under extraordinary circumstances: as a former Republican president fighting to save the real estate empire that vaulted him to stardom and the White House.

USA: Hamas ready for 'complete compromise' to swap prisoners with Israel — official

NEW YORK, November 3. /TASS/: The radical Palestinian group Hamas is ready for a "complete compromise" deal on the issue of swapping hostages with Israel, Ghazi Hamad, a senior member of Hamas’ political bureau, said in an interview with NBC News.

Poll shows most US adults think AI will add to election misinformation in 2024

NEW YORK (AP) — The warnings have grown louder and more urgent as 2024 approaches: The rapid advance of artificial intelligence tools threatens to amplify misinformation in next year’s presidential election at a scale never seen before.

Most adults in the U.S. feel the same way, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.

USA: Eric Trump testifies he wasn’t aware of dad’s financial statements, but emails show some involvement

NEW YORK (AP) — Eric Trump, one of two sons entrusted to run Donald Trump’s real estate empire, swore Thursday that he was never involved with financial statements that New York state lawyers say fraudulently puffed up the ex-president’s wealth and the worth of the family business.

But when shown a decade-old email asking him for information for one of his dad’s financial statements, the irritated son strove to clarify.

USA: FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried convicted of defrauding cryptocurrency customers

NEW YORK (AP) — FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s spectacular rise and fall in the cryptocurrency industry — a journey that included his testimony before Congress, a Super Bowl advertisement and dreams of a future run for president — hit rock bottom Thursday when a New York jury convicted him of fraud for stealing at least $10 billion from customers and investors.

USA: Hezbollah to enter Palestinian-Israeli conflict if Hamas weakened — newspaper

NEW YORK, November 1. /TASS/: The Shiite organization Hezbollah will take part in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict if the radical Palestinian movement Hamas is ‘on its last legs,’ the New York Times reported, citing a Lebanese official.

According to the newspaper, the threat to destroy Hamas would be a red line for Hezbollah to intervene in the conflict. The Shiite organization is probably holding back its forces to avoid an even greater escalation of the Middle East conflict, the official pointed out. In his opinion, Hezbollah believes that Hamas does not need help now.

USA: Donald Trump’s sons Don Jr. and Eric will testify at fraud trial that threatens the family’s empire

NEW YORK (AP) — When Donald Trump became president in 2017, he handed day-to-day management of his real estate empire to his eldest sons, Donald Jr. and Eric.

Now, as the Trumps fight to keep the family business intact, the brothers are set to testify in the New York civil fraud case that threatens their Trump Organization’s future.

Donald Trump Jr. is expected to testify Wednesday and Eric Trump on Thursday, kicking off a blockbuster stretch as the trial in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit enters its second month.

Director of New York Office of UN human rights body resigns

31 October 2023; MEMO: The Director of the New York Office of UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber, has resigned in protest over the organisation’s inability to stop the genocide in Gaza.

“Once again, we are seeing a genocide unfolding before our eyes, and the Organisation that we serve appears powerless to stop it,” he said in a statement.

USA: Killing Of Children In Gaza Not “Collateral Damage:” Head Of UN Agency For Palestine Refugees

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 31 (NNN-XINHUA) – The killing of thousands of children in Gaza cannot be “collateral damage,” said Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner-general of the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), yesterday.

USA: Trump should be disqualified from 2024 ballot over Jan. 6 riot, advocates say at trial

New York Oct 30 (Reuters) - Donald Trump should be disqualified from Colorado's ballot in next year's election because he "incited a violent mob" in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, an advocacy group lawyer argued at the opening of a trial on Monday.

A lawsuit brought by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is a test case for whether a rarely-used, Civil War-era provision of the U.S. Constitution that bars people who have engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" from holding federal office, can prevent Republican Trump from being president again.

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