New York

USA: UN agency in Gaza says urgent cease-fire is a matter of life and death for millions of Palestinians

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The head of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees told a U.N. emergency meeting Monday “an immediate humanitarian cease-fire has become a matter of life and death for millions,” accusing Israel of “collective punishment” of Palestinians and the forced displacement of civilians.

UN envoy warns of spillover of Israeli-Palestinian conflict into Syria

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen on Monday warned that spillover of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into Syria has already begun.

Since March 2020, the Syrian conflict has been in a kind of strategic stalemate characterized by static front lines, persistent violence and sporadic escalation, with de facto authorities entrenching their control and five foreign armies present and active, he told the Security Council.

USA: Online threats stoke fear among Jewish students at Cornell University

ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) — Threatening statements about Jews on an internet discussion board have unnerved students at Cornell University and prompted officials to send police to guard a Jewish center and kosher dining hall.

The menacing, anonymous messages, posted over the weekend in an online forum about fraternities and sororities, came amid a torrent of antisemitic and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has flowed on social media during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Pakistan tells UN to consider deployment of protection force in Palestine

28 October 2023; MEMO: As Israeli aerial bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip continues, Pakistan on Friday put its weight behind a proposal to deploy a protection force in Palestine, Anadolu reports.

“We need to consider ways to prevent a recurrence of this slaughter,” Foreign Minister Munir Akram told the UN General Assembly.

UN Security Council to hold meeting on Middle East conflict on October 30 — Brazil mission

UN, October 29. /TASS/: The UN Security Council will hold a meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on Monday, October 30, the Permanent Mission of Brazil, which chairs the Security Council in October, announced on Saturday.

"The meeting will be held on Monday at 03:00 p.m. (10:00 p.m. Moscow time, 07:00 p.m. GMT - TASS)," the Brazilian mission reported.

Earlier, the UAE requested the meeting after the Israeli military announced it was expanding ground operations in the Gaza Strip.

USA: UN adopts resolution calling for humanitarian truce in Gaza

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- The UN General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution that calls for a humanitarian truce in Gaza.

The resolution calls for "an immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities," including protection of civilians and civilian subjects, protection of humanitarian personnel and facilities, and "immediate and unconditional release" of all civilians being illegally held captive.

The resolution was adopted with 120 votes in favor, 14 votes against, and 45 abstentions.

USA: Pence ends White House campaign after struggling to gain traction. ‘This is not my time,’ he says

NEW YORK (AP) — Former Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday dropped his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, ending his campaign for the White House after struggling to raise money and gain traction in the polls.

“It’s become clear to me: This is not my time,” Pence said at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual gathering in Las Vegas. “So after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president effective today.”

Israel is an occupying state, Palestinian people have right to resist it; Iran FM

27 October 2023; MEMO: Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told the United Nations yesterday that for three weeks the world has witnessed war crimes and genocide being committed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

Israeli PM Netanyahu refuses to order wide-scale ground operation in Gaza — NYT

NEW YORK, October 27. /TASS/: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to sign the order on beginning of a wide-scale ground operation in the Gaza Strip out of fear of losing trust of the people, should the operation fail, the New York Times reported citing sources in the Israeli government.

Only 62 Aid Trucks In Four Days Allowed Into Besieged Gaza: UN

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 27 (NNN-XINHUA) – Only 62 trucks passed through the Rafa crossing into Gaza in the last four days, when 500 trucks a day was the pre-war average, UN humanitarians said yesterday.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said, the latest payloads of water, food and medical supplies ferried by the trucks from Egypt already were distributed to medical sites and the displaced in besieged Gaza.

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